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Precision medicine optimized telegenetics platform.

Establish a streamlined workflow for successful precision medicine program implementation using our highly customizable telegenetics platform, equipped with real-time audio-video capabilities.

Physician Practices

Enhance your practice's care quality and broaden the scope of practice with our cutting-edge telegenetics platform. Connect with PharmDs and genetic counselors to offer unparalleled evidence-based personalized care.


Skilled Nursing Facilities

Empower your SNFs with telegenetics, enabling precision medicine services for patients. Engage with precision medicine providers to reduce ER visits and maintain patient health.


Genomic Counselors

Engage with your clients using advanced telegenetics tools. Utilize real-time audio and video to delve into genomic data, offer insights, and exchange notes and documents for improved workflow and tailored interactions.


Health Systems

For a successful precision medicine program, you need a platform uniquely adapted to your hospital and outpatient facility workflows. Our telegenetics platform seamlessly integrates with diverse workflows, supporting real-time audio, video, and efficient genomic data management and sharing.


Home Health Agencies

Bring the future of genetic consultations directly to your patients' homes. Our telegenetics platform ensures high-quality, personalized genetic care, even in a home health setting, enhancing patient trust and satisfaction.

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Integrate precision medicine into your healthcare organization today.

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